Event 2023

7-8 October 2023

2023 Hallyu Com-on in Swiss

Hello everyone! 안녕하세요 여러분!
We hope you are all healthy and ready for 2024 edition !
Thank you so much for attending the “Kpop/Culture Day Event” for last 4 editions since 2020!

It was a success just seeing how many people enjoyed their time with us and longed for this kind of event.
We were around 500 people at the first event in Jan 2020 and at that time, 17 teams covered our beloved kpop groups’ dances and 6 media talked about us or came. To name a few: oneFM, 20minutes, 24heures, RTS TV and even a Korean TV station, known as MBC, came all the way from Korea! If that’s not encouraging.

During the Covid, we moved to the online and met you by Youtube live-streaming and never stopped!
Finally, in 2022 we met in person, offline,  on 22 Oct 2022. How exciting! you’ve waited for a long long time!!! For this first offline edition since first edition, we received more than 30 applications (Solo/group dance, singing) ! Event was also covered by several medias TV, Radio, Korean and Swiss Newspapers.
2023 edition promises some nice surprises : Expect more! More culture, more stalls, more food, more dance, more singing, more workshops, more experience, and most of all more fun!

Stay tuned through our Instagram, Facebook !

See you soon! 곧 만나요~~

2023 Event Schedule

They are talking about us






G idle

the Boyz



Photo Gallery

KPOP Dance Workshop

KPOP Dance Workshop

Samulnori Workshop

Korean Language Workshop


Contact US

Email: hallyukorea2019@gmail.com