''K-Pop Dancing and Singing Competitions"
The Hallyu Korea association is organizing a dance and singing competition as part of
“2023 Hallyu Com-on in Switzerland” event.
This competition is open to anyone over 10 years old, any gender (hereinafter referred to as the “candidate”), regardless of their nationality.
The age taken into consideration when determining competition eligibility is as of the date of the entry video posting.
People with the conditions below cannot participate, and in any case.
– The members of the competition’s Jury,
– People who participated and collaborated in the organization of this competition,
– Members of their respective families in direct line (ascendants, descendants or collaterals in the first degree) of above.
This competition will be announced by the following means:
– Editorial articles, media announcements, radio, website, social networks, by any other possible means that the organizer chooses to use.
Registration is done via Instagram, where candidates post a video of their performance tagging the Hallyu Korea association account (@hallyukorea_) and containing the following hashtag, #hallyuswiss2023. For the dance category (both group and solo) the video must be shot outside. Any video containing none or only a part of the pre-requisitions will not be taken into account.
Candidates are allowed to register only once per category (Group dance / Solo dance / Singing).
No candidates are allowed to dance for two groups. Two teams from the same dance group are also not allowed.
By registering and participating in the casting, the parental authority of the candidate / candidate authorizes the fixing and transfer of image rights. Fixed or animated images may be broadcast, without time limit, in any type of publication to illustrate the Competition.
The images may not be sold to third parties by the organizers, nor be the subject of any exploitation other than that referred to above.
The registration period will last from Friday June 23rd, 2023, until Monday August 28th, 2023. For this first stage, participants must send a video of their performance containing the introduction (team/solo name, name and original performer of the song should be included) in English or native language with English subtitles, lasting a maximum of 5 minutes for the dance category and 4 minutes for the singing category including the introduction.
For the Dance group category, a maximum of 7 members is allowed. NO changing on the member and the number of members in a group are allowed between preliminaries and finals.
For the singing category, both solos and groups will be allowed with a maximum of 5 people per group. Both solos and groups will be judged in the same category.
The music chosen must be of the K-Pop musical genre, mashups and remixes allowed. For the singing category, the song must be sung in Korean, no English versions allowed.
Cuts and edits are permitted, with moderation. Any video containing excessive editing will be less appreciated.
The judges’ decisions are to be respected. No dispute concerning the evaluations, the final result, as well as the decisions taken will be authorized. The announcement of the finalists will be made on Monday September 4th, 2023.
The winners of each category (group dance, solo dance and singing), must guarantee their participation in the final.
Dance category:
Candidates will be judged on the musicality, variation of the performance, accompanied by a clean execution of the choreography. The judges will look at the level of difficulty of the figures used during the performance and the precision in the use of rhythm. For the group dance, the group dynamics and team work on the stage will also matter. Other criteria will include the stage manner, as well as synchronization with the music. The ability of the dancers to execute these aspects is of great importance. It is recommended that competitors choose movements and rhythms that they are comfortable with and that are appropriate for their level.
Singing category:
The candidates will be judged on their vocal technique, such as tone quality, breathing support, intonation, diction and articulation; rhythm and tempo are also important criteria. The jury will judge how well the performer is able to express the meaning and mood of the song. Other criteria are music selection and the effective use of stage/performing area. It is recommended that competitors choose songs that they are comfortable with and that are appropriate for their level.
The organizers have the right to withdraw from the competition any person whose state of health appears to be of concern and requires medical care. Each participant is responsible for her/himself and must be in possession of a valid personal insurance, in case of accident. Under no circumstances can the Hallyu Korea Association be held responsible in the event of a problem or accident.
In the event of non-compliance with the rules and conditions of registration, contestants will be immediately disqualified from the competition.
Participants and spectators must respect the rules of fair play. The Hallyu Korea Association may exclude offenders from the competition.
The finalists in each category will be part of the final, the date of which will be on Sunday October 08th, 2023. Their presence will be mandatory.
Minimum two or more finalists may be selected by the organization.
All finalist candidates will be judged in front of a professional jury on the same song performed for preliminary or a new song. All the finalists must send MP3 audio files of their same or new song for their final performances to the association’s email ( until Friday September 15th, 2023. The images of the participants may be used for the promotion of future organizer events.
During the presentation, candidates will not be able to use the equipment on stage. They are only allowed to show up with what they are wearing or have on them. Accessories that are not an integral part of the “stage outfit” will only be authorized on demand (umbrella, chair, banner, drums, fans, musical instruments, flashlight, etc…). Dancers are not allowed to use liquids, glitter or other substances that can make the floor slippery.
The Jury of the competition will be made up of several members chosen by the organizers mainly from professionals from the world of dance and singing.
No complaint can be made concerning the decisions of the Jury which will decide in a sovereign way, without possible appeal.
The legal representative of the candidate / The candidate declares that he has a civil liability insurance that he undertakes to communicate to the organizers on simple request.
The legal representative of the candidate / The candidate declares that he has provided the organizers with the information concerning him in a sincere and loyal manner and therefore certifies the accuracy of the information communicated. The organizers reserve the right to verify its veracity and to disqualify any candidate for the competition if, at any stage of the competition, the said candidate communicates information concerning him which turns out to be false, inaccurate or misleading.
If one or more pieces of information communicated by the candidate were to be modified, the latter undertakes to inform the organizers as soon as possible.
Candidates selected for the grand final must make themselves available to all requests from the organizers. To this end, it is up to them to release themselves from any personal obligation if necessary.
In case of inappropriate behavior on stage and/or on a video, the organizers reserve the right to disqualify the candidate.
Each candidate participates in the competition on a voluntary basis and pays for all travel and accommodation expenses.
By participating in this competition, the candidate cannot, under any circumstances, claim financial compensation of any kind whatsoever. This competition, governed by Swiss law, falls into the legal category of competitions that do not rely on chance to determine the winner.
If a qualified candidate is unable to participate in the final, s/he will be obliged to inform the organizers as soon as possible, so that they can replace them with the next candidate. If a group member is suddenly unable to participate, the group is allowed to replace them only with proof (Ex: medical prescription). Therefore, no changes WITHOUT PROPER COMMUNICATION WITH THE ORGANIZER will be allowed. If not, the candidate will be disqualified from the competition. No appeal will be possible.
The responsibility of the organizers cannot be incurred if, for a case of force majeure or beyond its control, this competition should be modified, shortened or canceled.
In any case, the organizers reserve the possibility of extending the period of participation and of postponing any date announced.
The organizers also reserve the right in all cases to make any decisions whatsoever in the interest of the competition.
Addenda or modifications to these rules may be published at any time by the organizers.
The fact of registering and participating in this competition implies the pure and simple acceptance of these rules in their entirety, which has the value of a contract. Any violation of this regulation is likely to result in the elimination of the candidate.
Lausanne, 21.06.2023 The Hallyu Korea Organizing Committee